IRIS medical jobs is an agency
specialized for technicians in Switzerland for:
radiology, radiotherapy and nuclear medicine.
On behalf of Swiss hospitals, private clinics and other healthcare institutes we recruit internationally nationwide since 1990.
Which advantage brings you our service?
Step by step you will be professionally guided during your search for a job in your profession in Switzerland.
We provide all the organisation around the job, like assisting in interviews, (if needed) your Swiss SRK-registration, organizing your work permit, high rages, insurances, a solid introduction and above all: helping you with housing before your start.
You will have a Swiss quality life with other international fellow colleagues.
Please notice you need to speak the German language for most jobs in advance. In most cases we will assist you and pay your language course.
Working and living in Switzerland?
Why not get a job there? Spectacular scenery, crystal clean, fresh air. A great standard of living in a country that runs as smoothly as its famous clocks and watches.
We work directly with employers, without intermediaries, so that we can provide a fast and efficient service. We keep in close contact with your placement in Switzerland. And above all, we regularly visit and know the hospitals and clinics to stay informed.
Our agency tries you offering interesting jobs with professional development.
Technicians in Radiology/Radiotherapy/Nuclear medicine.
"Sandra, radiographer. From Poland to Switzerland.
December 2024.
Hi, I am Sandra and I am from Poland! I graduated from the University in Poznan in 2020. For 5 years I gained experience as an RTT and radiographer in Polish hospitals and clinics. I first contacted Frans Dames earlier this year. I simply invited him on LinkedIn, which was a small thing that changed my life....
(to continue, see below: 'all testimonials')
Cześć, jestem Sandra i jestem z Polski! Jestem absolwentką Uniwersytetu w Poznaniu na kierunku elektroradiologii.Ukończyłam go w 2020 roku. Przez 5 lat zdobywałam doświadczenie jako elektroradiolog zarówno w polskich szpitalach jak i prywatnych klinikach diagnostycznych. Po raz pierwszy skontaktowałam się z Fransem Damesem na początku tego roku. Wysłałam mu zaproszenie na LinkedIn, była to mała rzecz, która okazało się, że zmieniła moje życie.
(to continue, see below: 'all testimonials')
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