Hi, I am Sandra and I am from Poland! I graduated from the University in Poznan in 2020. For 5 years I gained experience as an RTT and radiographer in Polish hospitals and clinics. I first contacted Frans Dames earlier this year. I simply invited him on LinkedIn, which was a small thing that changed my life. He responded to my request and asked if I was willing to work in Switzerland. At that tim...
Hi, my name is Lajos I am 37 years old. Originally from Hungary, but I have been living in Scotland since 2012. I studied diagnostic radiography here in the UK and worked for NHS in the past three years in different hospitals. I’ve been planning to relocate in the last two years, and it was a long journey to decide where to go. A cousin of mine lives in Switzerland and came to visit me. We h...
Hello, my name is Carlos, I'm 23 and originally from Portugal (See below my text in Portuguese...) I moved to the UK in 2018 to study radiotherapy and oncology and after working for the NHS for over 2 years, I felt like I needed a change. My girlfriend, who moved to Switzerland from Portugal for a few months, raved about the quality of life and the beautiful scenery there. So, even though I...
Hi! I first contacted Mr. Frans Dames in 2020, when I was starting my studies in Electroradiology in Poland. I was looking for ways on the Internet how to safely find a job in the profession abroad without traps. I have always associated Switzerland with highly developed medical care, high standards of living and the opportunities it creates. I found many companies online that help me find ...
Cześć wszystkim!:) Jeszcze parę tygodni temu pracowałam w Polsce- w kraju, w którym młodzi ludzie są zazwyczaj bardzo pracowici i dobrze wykształceni, jednak nie mają żadnej przyszłości i żadnych możliwości rozwoju. Najgorsze jest jednak to, że pomimo swego ogromnego zaangażowania, nie mogą nawet osiągnąć wystarczającego poziomu życiowego. Mam 26 lat, posiadam...
After working in the NHS, UK, for the last 3 years I felt that I was ready for a change. I have always been interested in working abroad since I first started my training. After looking into multiple different countries I was struggling to decide where it was we would like to end up. After weeks of searching the internet I came across IRIS medical employment. A company used to help place medical ...
My name is Jordan, I’m from the UK and have been a qualified radiographer since 2020. Being relatively new to working life and working in England during the COVID pandemic I was looking to go travelling after the dust had settled with the pandemic. With the intent on travelling to Europe, I thought to myself, why not work there? Switzerland has always been a place I had wanted to visit, but th...
After working for many years as a radiographer in Italy and England, I decided to go to Switzerland for a new personal challenge and to take a step in my career. Switzerland has always fascinated me and I was excited to start this adventure, but I did 't know where to start from. Then I came across IRIS Medical on the internet and immediately contacted Mr. Frans Dames. I told him my plan...
Dopo aver lavorato per vari anni in Italia e Inghilterra ho deciso di andare in Svizzera, per avere una nuova sfida personale e fare un passo in avanti nella mia carriera. La Svizzera mi ha sempre affascinato ed ero sin da subito molto contento di tentare questa avventura, ma non sapevo da dove cominciare. Navigando su internet mi sono imbattuto sul sito di IRIS Medical e ho con...
I arrived in Switzerland with the goal to work in my profession as a radiographer. Unfortunately I was not having any luck with getting interviews and to be honest I was starting to lose a bit of faith in the job hunt. Then I found Frans Dames website irismedicaljobs whilst searching for work. From that point everything changed. Frans was certainly determined to see me achieve my goal of wo...
"My name is Sergio, I am Portuguese and 26 years old. My girlfriend Filipa and I worked as radiographers in England for 5 years. After that experience we decided to move to Switzerland. We started to learn the German language last spring, which we ended successfully at the level B1 in September. In the mean time I looked for a good agency that could help us with the job searching in Switzerla...
Un anno fa stavo cercando lavoro all'estero, perchè in Italia non avevo un lavoro fisso e perchè volevo farmi un'esperienza oltralpe, in modo da allargare il mio bagaglio culturale e le conoscenze personali. Ho iniziato inviando e-mail a diversi ospedali e cliniche in Germania ed in Svizzera, ed alla società di recruitment IRIS. In questo modo sono entrato in contatto col signor Dames, una pe...
Adam, Radiographer, Polish. Now works in Switzerland Berneroberland, 25-07-2015 Od zawsze wiedziałem, że chciałbym mieszkać w Szwajcarii. Odpowiada mi klimat, góry, warunki życia. A mając konkretny zawód, łatwiej znaleźć konkretną pracę. Na początku szukałem pracy we własnym zakresie. Szukałem ogłoszeń w Internecie i wysyłałem swoje zgłoszenia zar�...
Nel novembre 2012, terminata l’università, ho iniziato a prendere in considerazione l’ipotesi di cercare lavoro all'estero, perchè in Italia non avevo una ottima prospettiva (partita IVA per una clinica privata) e perchè mi interessava fare un'esperienza alternativa , in modo da allargare il mio bagaglio culturale e le conoscenze personali. Ho inviato alcune e-mail a diversi ospedali e c...
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